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[2017] [¹Ì±¹] ¿ÀÇÏÀÌ¿À °ø¿ø¿¡¼­ °­À¸·Î È帣´Â Çϼöµµ°ü ÆļÕ
À̸§ °ü¸®ÀÚ waterindustry@hanmail.net ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ 2017.01.13 Á¶È¸¼ö 333

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Sewer line breaks, sending part of Ohio park into river


CINCINNATI, JANUARY 5, 2016 -- Six months ago, a 100-year-old stone sewer line broke, and today, a large section of a Cincinnati riverfront park is slipping down the riverbank.


According to Cincinnati.com, repairs to the area at Theodore M. Berry International Friendship Park are estimated at $2 million.


Employees at the Greater Cincinnati Metropolitan Sewer District had been engineering a fix since the line broke, but must now wait until river levels, which are 10-13 feet higher than usual, decrease to implement them.


The pipe is a permitted combined sewer overflow (CSO) pipe which discharges about 12 million gallons of rainwater and sewage each year into the Ohio River.


The spot where the pipe burst is about 6 feet in diameter and sits almost dead center of the riverfront park. The area has been cordoned off to prevent injury to visitors who might get a little too close to the sinking hillside.

Repairs are expected to begin at the end of this month.


[Ãâó = Water World / 2017³â 1¿ù 5ÀÏ]




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